Thesis Presenation

2020, "Making Posters," by Scott Laserow and Natalia Delgado, Pages: 42, 159, 162 & 185, Bloomsbury Visual Arts, NEW YORK/USA, ISBN978-1350090156.
2018, "Poster Annual 2019", Page: 140, Graphis, NEW YORK/USA, ISBN9781931241694.

2017, "Catalogue of the ’17 Taiwan International Graphic Design Award”, Pages: 26 & 27, Department of Commerce, MOEA; 1st Edition (Dec. 2017), TAIPEI/TAIWAN, ISBN978-986-6254-74-1.

2017, "Catalogue of The 4th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design”, Page: 13, SHANGHAI/CHINA.

2017, "Catalogue of The FL3TCH3R Exhibit "Social & Politically Engaged Art", Page: 14, TENNESSEE/USA.

2017, "Design of Dissent Extended Edition” by Milton Glaser, Mirko Ilic, and Steven Heller, Pages: 255, 256 & 257, Rockport Publishers; Exp Rev edition (October 17, 2017), NEW YORK/USA, ISBN978-1631594243.
2017, "Poster Annual 2018", Page: 140, Graphis, NEW YORK/USA, ISBN9781931241526.

2016, "Catalogue of The FL3TCH3R Exhibit "Social & Politically Engaged Art", Page: 15, TENNESSEE/USA.
2016, "Catalogue of the 8th United Designs International Biennial Exhibition/Poster for Environmental Awareness", Page 56, JEJU/KOREA.

2016, "Ecuador Poster Bienal 2016", Page: 102, QUITO/ECUADOR, ISBN: 9781366299772

2016, "Catalogue of the (Golden Bee 12) Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design", Pages: 277 & 308, Golden Bee Global Biennale of Graphic Design, MOSCOW/RUSSIA, ISBN978-5-91549-004-7.

2020, "Ekoplagát '20" The International Exhibition and Contest of Issued Posters on the Topics of Conservation of Nature and Environment, Page: 122, Museum of Arts, ZILINA/SLOVAKIA, ISBN978-80-8184-082-1.
2022, "Protest Posters 2", Pages: 17, 20, 26, 28, 29, 32, 84, 115, & 172, Graphis, NEW YORK/USA, ISBN978-1-954632-04-2.
2016, "Catalogue of the 6th International Biennial of Socio-Political Poster Biennale”, Page: 23, OŚWIĘCIM/POLAND, ISBN978-83-64554-40-7.
2016, "Poster Annual 2017", Pages: 19, 28, 129 & 151, Graphis, NEW YORK/USA, ISBN9781931241526.
2016, "A'Design Award Communication Design Book (Vol.16-C)", Page: 80, MILAN/ITALY, ISBN978-88-97977-17-9.
2016, "Catalogue of the 13th International Triennial of the Political Poster Show", Pages: 14 & 15, MONS/BElGIUM.
2016, "Catalogue of All Gold of the World 2014–2016", Golden Bee Global Biennale of Graphic Design, MOSCOW/RUSSIA, ISBN 978-5-91549-005-4.
2016, "Catalogue of Ekoplakat/Ecoposter Exhibition", KATOWICE/POLAND.
2015, "Catalogue of The 7th China International Poster Biennial", Page: 173, HANGZHOU/CHINA, ISBN978-962-450-939-7.
2015, "Catalogue of The FL3TCH3R Exhibit "Social & Politically Engaged Art", Page: 16, TENNESSEE/USA.
2015, "Social & Political Protest Posters", Pages: 98 & 192, Graphis, NEW YORK/USA, ISBN9781932026924.
2015, "Catalogue of the IX International Eco-Poster Triennial (The 4th Block)", KHARKIV/UKRAINE.
2014, "Catalogue of the (Golden Bee 11) Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design", Page: 135, Golden Bee Global Biennale of Graphic Design, MOSCOW/RUSSIA, ISBN9785915490085.
2014, "I Choose Today My Tomorrow", The catalogue of PosterHeroes food biennial - 4th & 5th editions, Pages: 25 & 26, Plug Associations, TORINO/ITALY.
2013, "Catalogue of International Trademark & Logo Biennale TAMgA", SIBERIA/RUSSIA.
2010, "Catalogue of the (Golden Bee 9) Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design", MOSCOW/RUSSIA, ISBN755757575755775570.
2008, "Catalogue of International Trademark & Logo Biennale TAMgA", Pages: 20, 25 & 26, SIBERIA/RUSSIA.
2006, "Catalogue of 9th International Biennial of the Poster (BICM)", MEXICO CITY/MEXICO.
2006, "Catalogue of Trnava Poster Triennial (TPT)", TRNAVA/SLOVAKIA.
2005, "Ekoplagát '05" The International Exhibition and Contest of Issued Posters on the Topics of Conservation of Nature and Environment, Page: 42, Museum of Arts, ZILINA/SLOVAKIA, ISBN8089035655.